Wednesday, February 14, 2018

UVA/Rolling Stone Rape Story Is Legally Over

Yes, sometimes women do lie about rape.  Duh, they're human, not angels:
More than three years after Rolling Stone published the most significant false accusation of rape since the Duke Lacrosse hoax, the saga is officially over for the magazine.

That’s right, Rolling Stone is only now able to put this travesty behind them — at least legally. The magazine reached a final settlement in late December with the members of the fraternity that were falsely maligned in the story. The details have not been disclosed, but at least two members of the fraternity will be the beneficiary of the settlement.

1 comment:

  1. Hopefully it was painful for RS. They do come up with some good journalism, but this was beyond any pale. Hopefully it makes others think twice before the liable someone
