Sunday, January 14, 2018

President Trump's Course Language

This Instapundit post summarizes the issue for me:
There's also this:
So yeah. I don't care.

Update, 1/17/18:  More commentary, this from Dennis Prager:
As a rule, a president of the United States should not label countries, let alone continents, "s---holes." I don't know what word the president actually used, but had he used the word "dysfunctional" instead of "s---hole," that actually might have been a service to the people of many of these countries. I have been to 20 African countries. Corruption is Africa's greatest single problem. That's why those who truly care about Africans, many of whom are terrific people, need to honestly describe the moral state of many or most African countries. What benefit is it to honest, hardworking Africans or Latin Americans or others to deny the endemic corruption of these societies?

As Guatemalan columnist Claudia Nunez wrote on Trump in the Guatemalan newspaper Siglio 21: "The epithets he uses to describe certain groups are unfortunate and exemplify the decadence of the current political scene. But he has also said things that are true, for example, that it is we citizens of migration countries who have accommodated ourselves to the need to export people, as we have calmly allowed excessive levels of corruption to grow for decades."


  1. Anonymous11:03 AM

    You are charmed by Trump’s racism because it resonates with your own.

  2. I'm sure it makes you feel better to believe that. Your constant crying wolf about racism has diminished that attack into nothingness, and I mock you for being so pathetic as to try it here.
