Tuesday, January 30, 2018

I Blame Systemic Racism

From the Atlanta Journal-Constitution:
In analyzing federal data for an in-depth examination of the nation’s historically black colleges and universities, the AJC found that the six-year graduation rates at 20 schools were 20 percent or lower in 2015.

This means that four of five beginning freshmen at those schools didn’t earn a degree within six years. 

1 comment:

  1. Go look at the NCAA records on graduation rates for Tier One Schools. It's abysmal with many of the stars never graduating. So while your kid and mine are working at a fast food place full time to pay for increasing tuition, the kids who get free tuition, room and board are playing around when they aren't playing. And this is not just a race thing, but applies to kids in tennis, golf, swimming-you name it, many of them are far behind in their work and their instructors are under inordinate pressure to pass them or else.
