Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Even If You Don't Support The Death Penalty...

...would you reconsider your position in this case?
Animal cruelty investigators are looking for the person or persons responsible for fatally beating a puppy found dangling by its leash last week in Sacramento.

The city and animal advocacy groups are offering a $7,000 reward for information leading to the arrest of whoever abused and killed the dog, a small, dark mixed breed that a citizen discovered hanging from a tree on Jan. 19 along the levee in the 5000 block of Riverside Boulevard, near the Little Pocket neighborhood.

A necropsy of the animal found “diffuse and traumatic injuries throughout the entire body,” including “fractures from nose to tail” and abdominal injuries, said chief animal control officer Jace Huggins. “These injuries suggest severe, severe abuse.”

Veterinarians estimated the dog, weighing about 12 pounds, to be about 4 months old.


  1. cthulhu7:21 PM

    Short answer: nope.

    Slightly longer answer: I quote the estimable J. R. R. Tolkien:

    Many that live deserve death. And some that die deserve life. Can you give it to them? Then do not be too eager to deal out death in judgement. For even the very wise cannot see all ends.

  2. Anonymous12:01 PM

    When it comes to animal, senior, special needs and/or child abuse there shouldn't be an opportunity to give the scum a second chance. Anyone that would abuse a vulnerable person or animal lost their soul long ago.

  3. A person who would do that to a small puppy would do that to a child. They are a time bomb waiting to happen. Similar cruelty to animals has been posted on the internet, the most prominent one being an idiot in Louisiana. In almost every case these are boys who are known to be trouble. And in many cases they are black. How long is the black community going to pretend it's everyone else's fault? What did that puppy do to the perpetrator?

  4. Anonymous8:56 PM

    No. Killing people who kill to show killing is wrong is just dumb. It makes the judge and jury just as bad as the criminals. And, as another poster said, you can never be 100% positive that you know everything - after the invention of DNA testing, we found that many people who were given the death penalty were, in fact, innocent. If you find new evidence that shows a convicted criminal is innocent and they were given life in prison, you can always release them. If you've killed them - well, they're dead.

    I'm also Catholic, so I believe in the sanctity of life. I'm strongly againts the death penalty, abortion, euthanasia, and unnecessary war.
