Sunday, December 17, 2017

This Is Why It's Hard To Take The Press Seriously Anymore

Does anyone genuinely honestly truly think this is anti-Semitic?
CNN political commentator Hilary Rosen accused a Georgetown student of anti-semitism and bigotry because he wore a bacon-themed onesie to a basketball game.

“Look at the guy in the ‘bacon suit,'” Rosen tweeted with a photo of the Georgetown student section. “This is a Georgetown #Hoyas fans anti-Semitic smear to the Syracuse team.”
Jews have a religious objection to eating bacon (although I knew a Jew whose favorite food was pepperoni pizza!), not to the existence of pigs and bacon.  And who are the Jews the Georgetown student was targeting?  Is the Syracuse team made up of Jews?  And even if they were, is wearing a bacon suit truly anti-Semitic?  Since Muslims also don't eat bacon, couldn't one just as easily say this was an anti-Muslim, and hence pro-Jew, commentary?  Sheesh.

Rosen is clearly an idiot.

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