Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Heard On The Radio On The Way To Work This Morning

An accident was causing a traffic backup, an accident between a car and--a mountain lion.

Yes, boys and girls, we still have mountain lions here in California.

My school abuts a greenbelt along a river.  It's well known that mountain lions--which almost never attack humans--live, breed, and hunt in that greenbelt.  It's wild to think that such animals live in our urban and suburban areas, but they do. 

The accident this morning occurred in a semi-rural area, one of those areas that used to be rural but has been developed in the last decade or so to have neighborhoods of large houses for the well-to-do.


  1. Locally, just yesterday a mountain lion grabbed a dog off a trail. Next to his people and everything.

  2. Our backyard is along a greenbelt. We have coyotes and bobcats and redtailed hawks. At night when a siren goes off, coyotes howl.People whine about letting their housecats out at night, ignoring that there are coyotes, bobcats and redtailed hawks in the area. I simply don't understand why people think it's okay to allow domestic pets to roam wild at night?
