Friday, December 22, 2017

1st Day of Break

I didn't stay up too late last night; sure, I was up later than I would have been if I had had to work today, but not unreasonably late.  And I woke up at my usual time, but got to stay in bed and enjoy the quiet and relaxation for a couple hours. 

Haven't graded any of the final exams I brought home from my last class, but I have plenty of time to grade them.  I can spend several minutes a day over the course of several days grading them--do all the first pages one day, do all the second pages another day, and before long I'll have them all graded and it won't feel like I spent any time at all on them.

My Christmas shopping has been complete for quite some time, but I think I'm still going to go out today, just because.  I don't think I'm going to hit the day after Christmas sales, as I can't think of anything that I just have to have.  If I learn of something, though....

It's nice to be able to relax and unwind.  Two weeks off at Christmastime is absolutely one of the perks of being a teacher.

1 comment:

  1. I got Christmas off. I worked the observed Christmas Eye, Friday. Mistake!

    Granted, I get time and a half comp into my bank, in addtion to my normal pay, but...

    It was Friday

    Of a major holiday

    We're already on minimum staffing.

    The idiots were out early and stayed late.

    But...could be worse. Had to work one or three days of Chrstmas before. Next year I may do like some of my officers and just burn the week.
