Saturday, November 18, 2017

The Start of Thanksgiving Break

I was so tired yesterday that I came home and took a nap.  When I woke up from the nap over an hour later I realized I was still tired, so I went to bed.  I woke up around 3 am after 8 hours of sleep, checked the blogs and the news, and went back to sleep until after 7 am. 

I'm starting to feel awake :)

I've been procrastinating lately, so I have plenty of bills to pay and other such domestic administrivia to keep me busy.  I also gave quizzes in 4 of my 5 classes yesterday, so I have those to grade.  My plan is to grade 10 quizzes a day over the break; that should take so little time as to allow me to feel that I'm not spending any time at all, but doing so will allow me to have the vast majority of the quizzes graded before I return to school.  I'll probably get them all done, but I'm willing to cut myself a little slack on that.

I've got a couple of family birthdays to celebrate this week, and I'm going to a friend's house for Thanksgiving.

We've had some light rain recently, and a few more drops are forecast for Monday.  Other than that it should be a nice week with highs in the 60s.

Should be a nice week off.

1 comment:

  1. The past week I've been so tired I have gone to bed around 9:00. Last night I didn't want to do anything. Today we went to the Stars game, but came home and just watched TV. I have grading to do. Research projects were to be turned into my Google Classroom site by 4:00 PM yesterday. So of course six of the 47 students didn't turn in anything OR send me an email explaining why this major project isn't in the file. I'm so tired of the attitude that I will give them more time. So I'm now grading and handing out zeroes. It will be a fun week off and a hellish return on Monday the 27th.
