Friday, November 03, 2017


The school at which I teach is built in the ranch style, like so many houses in California.  We have a dozen buildings or more, spread out over quite a large area.  We have three staff lounges on campus--one at the north end of campus, one in the center near the main office, and one at the south end.

In the lounge I've frequented over the past 14+ years, we have a good group.  Our lounge is a friendly, upbeat place.  Today we had a "try mine", a potluck.  What a feast!

No matter what I bring, it usually doesn't go over well.  It's not that people don't like whatever I bring, it's that mine gets drowned by the awesomeness of what everyone else brings.

This morning I loaded up what I'd need and got to school early.  In the staff lounge I sliced and cut into chunks a dozen or so apples.  Apples and cinnamon, that's all I put in the crock pot.  I took the crock pot to my classroom, plugged it in, and turned it on high.  After the apples got soft and mushy, I started stirring and mashing the apples a couple times per period.  Students would walk into class and remark how good the room smelled--and how could it not smell awesome?  Apples and cinnamon permeated the air!

My applesauce was a hit in the lounge today.  In fact, this was the first time I can recall that the food I brought was completely eaten, I got to bring a clean crock pot home.

Add that to the fact that I finished grading some tests and entering the grades into the computer, and I'll call it a good day.

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