Sunday, November 05, 2017


Yesterday's big day of action for Antifa was more like a whisper than a bang.  Instead of thousands becoming millions, dozens became hundreds--across the country:
Perhaps even the most anti-Trump resisters balk at the thought of marching under a communist flag with masked commies and anarchists.

Sure, the communist front group was able to muster dozens or even hundreds of protesters in some of the locations on its list of 20 deep blue cities, but we were promised a sea of humanity --"thousands becoming hundreds of thousands, and then millions" -- in opposition to the "hate and bigotry of the Trump/Pence fascist regime."

What we got were the usual marching and chanting gaggles of far-left malcontents and crackpots, squawking at times through bullhorns and trying very hard to be on their best behavior -- because organizers promised "peaceful protests."

There were a few confrontations with Trump supporters and instances of violence, but much fewer than expected. Only a few people were arrested -- in L.A. and NYC -- where the biggest crowds were. And as is always the case with left-wing protests, there was plenty of rough language and a need for "language warnings" in media posts about the protests that came with videos. (I don't remember such a need when the tea party was in full swing -- although there was perhaps a language warning needed for the occasional reporters who couldn't resist calling the conservative protesters "teabaggers.")
I know there are plenty of people in the country who don't like President Trump, and it's heartening to know that the vast majority of them aren't so insane as to support communism over him. Either that, or perhaps they've figured out that he's not the devil incarnate, and is just a president with whom they disagree. Perhaps they see that eventually, the pendulum will eventually swing back their way [in about 7 years :-) ] and the sun will continue to rise every day until then.

I genuinely enjoyed these comments from the link above:
A Socialist is a Communist is a Fascist is a Nazi. There is no moral difference between the four, and what differences exist are not crucial.
100% correct.
Dems traded their white hoods and masks for black hoodies and ski masks....nothing much has changed in their oppression and terrorism of other political parties
Not all Dems do this--so few showed up to the rallies--but I understand the sentiment.

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