Wednesday, November 08, 2017

A General Grant Moment

When some of President Lincoln’s people trashed General Grant as a drunk, Lincoln said, “Find out what he’s drinking, and send some to my other generals.”

Find out what Sac City’s union is drinking, and send some to the union that(supposedly)negotiates my contract.
The Sacramento City Unified School District and its teachers union reached an agreement Monday on a new contract that gives teachers up to an 11 percent raise over the three-year deal and averts a strike for the 43,000-student district.

The deal was finalized after being brokered over the weekend by Mayor Darrell Steinberg, school district Superintendent Jorge Aguilar and the Sacramento City Teachers Association. The parties met for hours on both Saturday and Sunday, hammering out the details at the mayor’s Greenhaven home over soda and kettle corn, according to Steinberg.

“This brings relief from some very anxious moments for many, many parents and students,” Aguilar said.

The agreement, announced at City Hall, ended more than a year of bitter contract negotiations and rhetoric between the district and the teachers union. The deal came just two days before the union’s 2,800 members planned to strike.
Our union cheered itself for securing a 2% raise last year.

Read more here:

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