Thursday, October 26, 2017

Tearing Down Campus Posters You Don't Like

Is it ever justified?  Probably, but not in 99% or so of cases.  But people will justify doing so on the basis that their feeeeeeeeeeeelings were hurt by the posters.  The posters made them feel unsaaaaaaaaaafe.  The posters might even be violent!

Everyone at a university should know better than to tear down posters.  But when school employees do it, somehow it seems even worse:
Two vandals who destroyed advertisements for a conservative event at the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign are allegedly school employees.

As Campus Reform reported October 5, several vandals were caught on film throughout the course of the day tearing down flyers promoting an upcoming Charlie Kirk event, hosted by the UIUC chapter of his conservative student organization, Turning Point USA (TPUSA).

One TPUSA member confronted the vandals, politely asking for an explanation of their actions, to which one dumbfounded perpetrator responded simply by stating “um...ok,” while another said she doesn’t “give a f**k” and proceeded to walk away as she flashed her middle finger.

The TPUSA chapter now alleges that the latter is a student named Rubab Hyder, who also serves as a Multicultural Advocate for the university. Her school profile claims that she’ll be “working to create a welcoming community that encourages inclusivity and empathy"...

Additionally, Jocelyne Robledo, student outreach and media coordinator for the Department of Latino/Latina Studies, was has been accused of being part of a group of vandals who laughed as they tore down all TPUSA’s posters.
One group of conservative students found a unique way not only of keeping their posters from getting torn down, but of driving traffic to their web site:
Do you want to join the anti-fascist movement in Seattle? Don’t pay attention to the posters telling you to visit

The website domain is more than an elaborate prank by the University of Washington College Republicans. The club told The College Fix it’s a better way to advertise in the vicinity of campus, where their non-prank physical flyers are quickly torn down despite following campus regulations...

This didn’t sit well with legitimate Antifa activists in the Seattle area. The Daily spoke to a student activist, “RR,” who admitted that he and peers were taking down the flyers without telling campus cops, “because they don’t trust UWPD"...

The university’s Bias Incident Advisory Committee said in its most recent report – covering November 2016 through February 2017 – that “flyers/posters/posts” drew more complaints than all other categories combined.
The lefties don't sound to me to be very tolerant of diversity.   Perhaps they need diversity training.


  1. Anonymous8:59 AM

    Wow. You still maintain this blog after so many years?

  2. Anonymous9:52 AM

    I had a conservative friend send me videos of him tearing down liberal posters and I was just as mad as him since it's immature. The administration doing this is significantly worse though, especially if it's from a group the school sanctioned.

  3. Yes, I still maintain this blog. This coming January will mark 13 years.

    And I don't support tearing down posters no matter who does it. "Immature" is the gentlest term I'd use.
