Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Squishy As A Marshmallow

Young people.  They have so much potential, but they're so malleable--especially by simple(ton) ideas that sound good but in actuality reek of tyranny.  And it's the fault of older generations, including mine, that started putting stupid ideas into their heads.  I mean, seriously, is anyone really offended by Halloween costumes, or do people just pretend to be in order to bolster their liberal bona fides?

Today's university students' brains are so squishy, they can't even see what a bad idea this is:
  • At campuses around America, students have been discouraged from wearing sombreros, ninja outfits, Native American headdresses, or any other costume which assumes a culture one does not represent.
  • Students at Yale and elsewhere have made it clear: they want their schools to take preemptive measures to prevent the wearing of Halloween costumes which could offend.
  • Campus Reform visited Yale with a petition to outlaw Halloween; it gained signature after signature.
As a smart man once said to a psycho, "Lighten up, Francis." 

These are supposed to be the smart kids.


  1. Anonymous12:36 AM

    Oh yes. It's the liberals who are at war with Halloween. You never fail to crack me up!


  2. This post is about college students, with a passing reference to "liberal bona fides".

    But it's cool. I know you'd disagree with me even if I said the sky is blue.

    Do you disagree with anything I said or linked to about college students and Halloween costumes?

    By the way, not all religious people are conservatives. The belief that they are is *your* bias.
