Thursday, October 19, 2017

Another Disgrace to the Profession

Sometimes I think that teachers get so used to being in charge in their classrooms, that some of them forget that they also have rules to follow:
“Just like you can’t wear swastikas to school, you cannot wear ‘Make America Great Again.’”

That’s what Cherokee, Ga., math teacher Lyn Orletsky told two students in a video posted to Turning Point News when she asked them to leave her classroom in early September, the Cherokee Tribune and Ledger reported.

The two River Ridge High School students were wearing shirts with President Donald Trump’s campaign slogan “Make America Great Again.” She asked the students to “please go,” or at least turn their shirts inside-out if they were to remain in her class...

Cherokee County Schools spokeswoman Barbara Jacoby told the Atlanta Journal-Constitution the instructor was wrong to ask the students to leave and that the shirts did not violate the dress code in any way...

Although the school board never did fire Orletsky, she announced her resignation Tuesday, saying she had received death threats and was afraid for her safety, the Atlanta Journal-Constitution reported.
On a daily basis I see students who have written messages (book covers, clothing, notebooks, patches on backpacks, stickers on water bottles) with which I disagree. Oh well.  Not freaking out over such things is part of that whole "celebrating diversity" thing which I do so well :-)


  1. At face value, I don't see anything wrong with the slogan "...Make America Great Again".

    Would the uproar be the same if the shirt said something equivalent like "Yea! USA #1"? Of course, it's now attached forever to an unpopular politician.

    Instead maybe the school should change the dress code to ban all t-shirt slogans on campus for students and teachers alike. I saw plenty of Obama and Clinton shirts before the elections without this much uproar

  2. Viewpoint neutral? No problem.

  3. Anonymous3:15 PM

    On another note, have you read the latest? Math is racist. Algebra and Geometry perpetuate white privilege.

  4. That article sure has been making the rounds today. Since so many have already written on it or commented on it, I'll bow out.

    There were some amazingly astute comments on Instapundit's link to the article....
