Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Things Aren't Perfect In Socialist Medicine Paradise? Huh. Go Figure.

For whatever reason, the Brits love their National Health Service.  They know the horror stories, they know and experience the long waits for treatment, but still they love it.  Stockholm Syndrome never had a finer example.

How can medical paradise need more doctors?
American physician assistants are being enticed over to the United Kingdom amid staffing shortages - with promises of long vacations in Europe.
What, no mention of pay?  How are those working conditions?
The National Health Service (NHS) is offering £1,000 ($1,350) to cover their relocation, 41 days paid vacation a year, and free flights home during holidays.

Ultimately, officials say the plan is to recruit up to 3,200 PAs to perform minor operations and monitor wards.
3200?  Why such a shortage? 

A couple paragraphs down we get to the pay:
According to recruitment materials, foreign PAs would earn £30,000 ($40,460) a year.
That doesn't strike me as much for someone who can cut into you, but I'm not really up on the pay of medical professionals.

The article never mentioned why there's such a shortage....


  1. But...but...but...
    An' Trump is Hitler an' stuff!
    La la la la la not listening la la la!

    Seriously, though, I thought that the UK was already solving this hidden problem with Asian health care professionals, for whom this is a pay increase.

  2. If you want to see what groupthink in pediatrics has done-look no further than the parent driven demand for children to be filled with hormones before they've even hit puberty.
    Read: http://bit.ly/2wKHXCg
