Thursday, September 21, 2017

Sticking With It

All that weight I lost in 2010--I've gained it all back, with interest.

I'm going to lose it again.  Just has to be done.

I'm grossly out of shape.  I had no cardiovascular fitness at all last month.  So I set a goal for myself--each morning before work I'm going to get on my elliptical trainer and run.  That first week of school I did 12 min each morning.  I increased it 1 minute each week, so that this week I'm up to 18 min each morning.  I notice that already I'm not only "running" farther than I did when I started, but faster as well.  My goal is to get up to 20 min each morning, and from then on just work on speed and stamina.

I haven't missed a work morning yet!


  1. Anonymous5:36 PM

    You should also do some strength training:

  2. Of course I should--but I probably won't. I've never much enjoyed strength training. I'm more likely just to run faster on the treadmill.

  3. Belated congratulations. I stumbled across the book "Always Hungry" by Dr. Ludwig and I've been having more success than I have had with Weight Watchers or Jenny Craig. It's not easy, but I don't feel deprived. It's an interesting study that Dr. Ludwig lays out.
