Monday, September 25, 2017

If It's Raining On Tuesday...

...the "nn" combination makes the "fz" sound:
I'm starting to practice a little Icelandic so I can be a better visitor in February, one that doesn't automatically assume that everyone speaks English (even though everyone there does).  Like some more difficult languages (*cough* English! *cough*), Icelandic has many seemingly strange pronunciation rules--such as the one above.

By February I should be fine.  For right now, though, I sometimes exclaim in exasperation, "How can anyone remember all this crap?!  What kind of crazy language is this?!"  I'm sure no one ever says such things when learning English.

1 comment:

  1. I took a semester of Old Norse once. Old Norse is the direct ancestor of Icelandic, and some of the pronunciation rules were pretty confusing just like modern Icelandic.
    But hey, if you can work your way THROUGH the TOUGH language of English, you should be okay with this! ;-)
