Thursday, August 17, 2017

Why It's Becoming Increasingly Impossible To Negotiate With The Left

The American left is moving so far, so fast, to the left, that you can't even take them seriously anymore.  It was only 21 years ago, in 1996, that President Clinton, running for reelection, touted his welfare reform, celebrated putting "100,000 police officers on the streets", and correctly identified illegal immigration as a problem that had to be corrected for the country.  Less than half my life ago, those are things Democrats celebrated.  Today no Democrat would be caught dead cheering such words.

With leftists, though, it always comes down to violence.  Scratch a leftist, and a thug bleeds.  They've moved so far to the left, though, that some don't even think it necessary to hide their bloodthirsty tendencies anymore:
For anyone paying attention over the last 100 or so years, it was only a matter of time before America's establishment Left, meaning elected Democrats and the mainstream media, found themselves so frustrated they would finally come right out and validate violence, or what can only be described as political terrorism, against their ideological enemies.

Going back to the Bolsehviks straight through to Barry Obama's terrorist-pal Bill Ayers, violence is always the end result of an ideology that demands purity and conformity, even at the point of a gun. And now, probably because they have been unable to bully President Trump to its will, The Washington Post has finally revealed itself as an un-American and un-democratic monster.

In an editorial published Tuesday, N.D.B. Collins, an associate professor at Johns Hopkins University, was handed the imprimatur of The Washington Post to call for "direct action," direct action in the form of actual political violence.
The editorial itself can be found here.

For too long conservatives have turned the other cheek, not fought back, let leftists define the terms of debate and set the agenda.  They're not going to like it when conservatives have had enough.  You want to riot, Mr. Collins?  Remember which side in this country's schism has more firearms and ammo, Mr. Collins.

Be careful what you wish for, Mr. Collins.

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