Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Politically-driven Suppression of News

Just a reminder from 2014:
In unprecedented criticism of the White House, 38 journalism groups have assailed the president's team for censoring media coverage, limiting access to top officials and overall “politically-driven suppression of the news.”

In a letter to President Obama, the 38, led by the Society of Professional Journalists, said efforts by government officials to stifle or block coverage has grown for years and reached a high-point under his administration despite Obama's 2008 campaign promise to provide transparency.

Worse, they said: As access for reporters has been cut off, the administration has opened the door to lobbyists, special interests and “people with money.”
This was also an administration that spied on journalists (e.g., James Rosen, Sharyl Attkisson, and 20 reporters from the Associated Press).  Just sayin'.

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