Friday, July 14, 2017

It's A Drip Now, May It Turn Into A Flood

More and more lawsuits are being filed, and schools are losing.  The absolutely un-American star chambers that some men have had to endure in college simply because they're men, encouraged by the Obama Education Department and their "Dear Colleague" letter, must burn:
Columbia and Paul Nungesser, CC ’15, have agreed to settle a lawsuit that he filed against the University in 2015.

Nungesser was at the center of a gender-based misconduct investigation after Emma Sulkowicz, CC ’15, accused him of assault in 2012. He was later found not guilty by a University investigation.

Sulkowicz protested that finding in her senior art thesis, “Mattress Performance (Carry That Weight),” in which she carried a mattress with her at all times in a critique of the University’s decision not to discipline Nungesser. The thesis made national headlines, and Sulkowicz spearheaded a national student-led push for a reformed gender-based misconduct process.

Nungesser’s suit charged that the University failed to protect him from—and even encouraged—sustained protest by Sulkowicz, which Nungesser initially argued was a violation of Title IX.

The University announced that it had settled the suit—for which Nungesser submitted a new complaint after his initial one was dismissed last year—in a conciliatory statement sent to Spectator Thursday.

The statement reaffirmed that Columbia’s investigation had found Nungesser not responsible and expressed regret that his time after the investigation was “very difficult for him and not what Columbia would want any of its students to experience.”
I hope he got a mattress full of money.

1 comment:

  1. My Dad, who lived through WWII and the Depression, was a very wise man in many ways. One day at the dinner table we were debating some issue or other-which was the usual format for family dinners. This was back in the days when dinosaurs roamed the earth before Windows and Apples were things we stared at or cared much about. One thing stuck with me "Politics is like a pendulum-the harder you push it one way, the harder it pushes back the other way" I think Trump winning was part of that pushback, but the folks who did it aren't used to winning or fighting for their beliefs. Now people are starting to realize how hard they have to push. I guess we'll see soon who the summer soldiers are.
