Sunday, July 16, 2017

A Reward

For years, whenever my son and I would go into a Brookstone store, we'd try out the massage chairs.  I mean, who wouldn't?  And they always felt so good.  And for the last couple years I promised myself one when I finished my graduate degree.

Today, after driving for Uber for a couple hours, I decided to pop into Costco.  And what did I see there?  A display of massage chairs!

They had three different models; I slid into the least expensive one.  After about 5 minutes in it I decided that I didn't want to spend that much money on that particular chair.  It wasn't...awesome.

So I tried out the mid-priced model.  I really liked this one.  The salesman trickled information to me, but that cost.... I asked, "what about the floor model?"  When he said he didn't have one I replied that I was in one!  He couldn't sell me that one, about a brown one (the one I was in was black) that had previously been a model?  Well, brown works better for me, and the price was reasonable.

So I bought it.  It'll be delivered in a couple weeks.


  1. Man, I know you're tight, but you can't take it with you. And we're not talking a kidney here bro!

  2. It was still a few thousand dollars. And there seems to be a hitch, I'm concerned that this deal might not happen after all.

  3. Anonymous10:05 PM

    I did the exact same thing. When I finished my masters degree I went to Costco and purchased a massage chair! 8 years later, still loving it! Good investment.
