Monday, June 05, 2017

If This Isn't Racism, I Don't Know What Is

If you have to use someone's race as anything other than a color descriptor, you are a racist:
White Women Drive Me Crazy

White women are so dangerous because they’re allowed to be so soft — innocent until proven innocent...

I don’t know if I liked sleeping with white women because I’m queer or because they all smell so good. Like if I pressed my body against theirs and breathed deeply enough, some of their clean might rub off on me. I just wanted to feel clean. I wanted to smell good. These days I mask my smell with the scent of roses and a Burberry perfume I can’t afford and everyone says I smell good but I don’t fuck (sic) white women anymore.
This person wails and rants against racism, and would probably be one of the first to tell you that she can't be a racist because she's a minority and only people in the majority or in "power" can be racists.  Convenient, that.


  1. Anonymous1:35 PM

    Simple solution...
    If it upsets you so greatly, don't fuck white women? 97.5% confidence no one is forcing the writer to screw white women...

    We all make choices, right?

  2. Anonymous3:52 PM

    I think you're misunderstanding this writer. If you read the essay, what she says about white women is actually pretty positive. The essay has a lightly humorous tone, and it's clear that in spite of the "white women drive me crazy" bit, she is very much attracted to white women. It's kind of like a guy who complains that "blonde women drive me crazy" and continues to date blonde women.

    The conventional leftist narrative is that black people and white people have to hate each other because racism is forever. This essay shows that black people and white people can like and even love each other.

  3. Anonymous12:00 AM

    Wish these people were more consistent. When you don't want to sleep with white people, it's a preference, but if you don't want to sleep with a non-white person, it's discrimination/racism/cultural indoctrination/etc.

    Personal preferences are that, very personal, and I don't think airing out who you don't like in such a manner is appropriate.

  4. If you think this was a positive essay, then we didn't read the same essay.
