Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Healthier Lifestyle Starts Today

I look and feel gross.  I'm afraid to step on the scale, knowing it will tell me I weigh more than I did 7 years ago when I started dieting and exercising and lost almost 25 pounds in about 4 months.

I did it before, I'll do it again.  I won't have hot yoga to help me this time, but perhaps next week I'll zip over to Costco and buy a 24 Hour Gym membership and spend some of my summer days there.

I've got to do something.  Ugh.  And in an attempt to hold myself accountable, I'll post my weight each Monday.  If I fail to do so, remind me!


  1. Ugh. Can't get the Costco discount--I've done it before and there are no "repeats" allowed.

    Gym memberships are expensive! I don't think my school district has discount deals with local gyms, but my HMO does. Perhaps I'll call a local gym and see how much that discount is. (I know there's a "pound of flesh" joke in there somewhere, I'm just not witty enough to find it!)

  2. I was at 218-220 until about a year ago when I began to lose
    weight for for no apparent reason other than I wasn't hungry to eat mass quantities. (...currently at 198lbs)

    (...a renewed interest playing racquetball probably helped also)


  3. You could always ask for a veteran's discount. Many places give you one if you ask even if they don't officially have one.
