Sunday, June 04, 2017

As Official As Official Can Be

I received the transcripts I ordered.  I'm a master!

Because our seniors have already graduated, I have a few periods without students tomorrow.  I'll probably head down to the district office, paperwork in hand, and sit at someone's desk to ensure all of this is recorded properly so that I can get a pay raise next year!  Took me 5 years to get the degree, should take me 3 years to recoup that cost--so after 8 years I'll have broken even.


  1. Congratulations, Darren!
    It feels great, but I'm sure it will feel even better when your first enhanced paycheck hits the bank!
    How do you think it will affect your teaching?

  2. Monetarily, yes. However, you were ahead the moment you decided to send in your application to the program.

  3. I *am* a better math teacher. I know more, can see where more of the math I teach leads--and after taking 3 probability and/or statistics courses, I'm a much better statistics teacher.

    I wouldn't have sunk the money into this program unless there was a pay raise attached, so in that way the money made me a better teacher. I also changed the way I conduct assessments because of a testing/assessment course I had. There are a couple of small things some of my instructors did that I've decided to adopt as a teacher. So that's how my teaching has been affected.

    And thank you both :)

  4. Anonymous10:02 PM

    Congratulations Darren!

  5. Congrats man, have you tried my graduation present yet?

  6. I have. Next time I'll try it diluted, and over ice!

  7. Anonymous12:01 AM

    And they say conservatives are stubborn and aren't open to new ideas. I guess they just have to be good ones. :P Congrats, I'm really happy for you.

  8. Congratulations! I hope your students understand how much you benefited, and how they will benefit from your learning!
