Saturday, May 20, 2017

Typical Teachers Union Position

In theory, I'm not against unions.  Synergy, and all.  I am, however, against unions when they advocate for insanity, as in this case:
The bill for city teachers no principal wants will hit $34 million next year and has become a sticking point in deadlocked contract talks as fiscal watchdogs warn that cash-strapped Hub taxpayers can’t keep carrying the dead weight.

As of yesterday, 47 tenured teachers earning an average of $91,000 a year are without formal classroom positions in the so-called “excess pool,” school officials told the Herald...

The teachers’ union is digging in its heels and insists that unwanted teachers get placed in classrooms...

The teachers lose their positions because of poor performance, or no principal wants to hire them, or because they have failed to obtain proper licenses. Other times, they lose their positions due to school closures or budget cuts.
I really honestly truly would love someone to comment on why the teachers union's position is the correct one.  Be civil, be intelligent, and be clear. 


  1. see....

    Nope, I just can't do it. I can't make a case for them.
    Sometimes they and I are on the same side, but mostly not.

  2. Anonymous9:23 AM

    If you read the article, 2/3's of the teachers were rated as proficient or exemplary. They lost their positions because of budget cuts or school closures, not for anything they had done. I agree that you can make a case for letting the 1/3 of teachers with lower performance ratings go, but I can see no reasonable excuse for firing a teacher who is performing well.

    You recently posted a link to an article about a professor who lost his job because he had criticized diversity training. My guess is that this kind of thing happens all the time. It is naive to think that a liberal administrator would hesitate to fire a teacher who voiced a conservative opinion.

  3. I really honestly truly would love someone to comment on why the teachers union's position is the correct one. Be civil, be intelligent, and be clear.

    Because it's more union dues? :<)
