Tuesday, April 18, 2017

What A Waste

I spent days studying for the test I took this afternoon.  It was a waste of time to do so.  If I'd have had the answers in front of me, I don't think I could have copied them all within the allotted time of 1 hour.  Of course this leaves no time for thinking about a problem or formulating an answer.  By the time I got done with the definitions and proofs (which I had pretty much memorized) there was next to no time left for the problems, for which I'd have had to think a little.

I didn't even have a chance to succeed.

Update, 4/24/17:  Got my test results back today.  The good news is that of the problems I was able to complete I pretty much got them all right.  But as I said, there were a couple of letter grades' worth of problems I didn't even get to...

Lowest test score I've gotten in almost 5 years of this program.  I'll need at least a low B on the last homework packet and unit test in this course (only one of each left!) in order to keep a B in the course--which will score me a pay raise next semester because of the 30 semester units I'll have completed.  If I do that and pass the program cumulative final exam this weekend, I'll get the degree and the pay raise.

Feeling the pressure....


  1. Anonymous11:36 AM

    What class was this for? What were the other students' reactions? Sounds like the teacher didn't construct the test realistically.

  2. It's a class in Groups and Symmetry, a very small corner of abstract algebra. As I'm taking the class online and at my own pace (as long as I finish by May 16th), I have no idea who else is taking the course or how they did on the test.
