Thursday, April 20, 2017

Discussion Today

I have one student in particular whom, before today, I'd have guessed would have had no interest in knowing whether or not I'm alive.  I'd have thought that I didn't register in his world at all.

Yet, today, as soon as the bell rang for lunch, he came to talk to me.  Usually I'd have ended the conversation quickly and rushed off for my "30 minute duty-free lunch", but as I haven't been hanging out in the staff lounge the last couple days, I decided to engage in the conversation.  This student--who, again, I'd've thought wouldn't have given me the time of day--started talking about majors, how to choose them, how to know what you want to study, how you know what kind of job you want to have, all that.

I guess my existence has registered in his universe.

We had a very nice conversation that took the entire lunch period.  I don't think I gave him any answers, just some things to consider.  I always tell students that I still don't know what I want to be when I grow up, so I understand their lack of a laser-like focus on their futures and consider it entirely reasonable and understandable.  I don't know if it helps, but at least they know someone understands.


  1. I find it so interesting when I here stories like yours. When i was 12 years old I decided I wanted to go to West Point, major in mathematics, become an Armor officer, get married, have kids, get stationed in Europe, become a Tank Company Commander, and finish up teaching Math at West Point.

    Only issue was I didn't have a plan after that. So after accomplishing all of the above I became a Mathematical Statistician with the Census Bureau and an adjunct math teacher in the University of Maryland system.

    I have my retirement date set - mind you I set it ten years ago and it is still 7 years and 345 days from now. Already planning the retirement trip across the US with my wife and am talking with a realtor in Florida for the Snow Bird home we plan to purchase upon retirement.

    I always am amazed when people say they have no plan for "when they grow up."

  2. My guess is that *you* are the outlier--but hey, I celebrate diversity!
