Saturday, December 24, 2016

Something About Motes and Beams

UC Berkeley’s ‘income inequality’ critics earn in top 2%
Scholars from the University of California at Berkeley have played a pivotal role in making income inequality a major political issue. But while they decry the inequities of the American capitalist system, Berkeley professors are near the top of a very lopsided income distribution prevailing at the nation’s leading public university...

Social science researchers often measure income inequality with the Gini Coefficient – a calculated value that can range between zero and one. The higher the Gini Coefficient, the more unequal the country, municipality or community. If everyone in a population has exactly the same income, that group’s Gini Coefficient is zero.  By contrast, if one individual receives all of a community’s income (and everyone else receives nothing), the Gini Coefficient is 1...

Public employee compensation data allows us to measure income inequality on campus. The State Controller’s Public Pay database contains salaries for all UC employees, indicating which campus each employee is on. The Gini coefficient for the 35,000 UC Berkeley employees in the data set is 0.6600 – higher than that of Haiti...

High compensation for tenured faculty does not necessarily come with a heavy teaching workload. Instead, most of the teaching burden appears to fall on junior faculty and teaching assistants.
It must be good to be a member of the nomenklatura.


  1. Anonymous9:34 AM

    Same criticism I had with Bernie Sanders. For all the criticism he had against the millionaires and billionaires, he refused to show his tax returns and bought a $600K lake house after the primaries, their third home. It's a "Do as I say, not as I do" mentality and it's laughable.

  2. I suspect they feel they deserve their pay because they are "white knighting" for the Have-Nots. Thus, they can make excellent money but not feel guilty about it because speaking truth to power, preaching intersectionalism, and fighting for social justice are good causes.
