Thursday, December 08, 2016

A Vicious Rumor

It's no secret among those that know me that my favorite dessert is Chocolate Ganache Torte from Trader Joe's. Well, there's a rumor going around my school--started by a student who sought out a CGT--that Trader Joe's is discontinuing this dessert (which is found in the freezer section).

I will shortly be drafting an email to TJ's to confirm or deny this rumor.  Stay tuned.

Update, 12/14/16:  TRADER JOE'S ADMITS THEIR TREACHERY! Today I received an email confirming the rumor above.

1 comment:

  1. Ah, Trader Joe's, how we HATE the vagaries of your stock!
    We bought jar after jar of the Cuban simmer sauce...but it vanished, apparently because not enough others bought it.
    We bought a few Noel chocolate log cakes... and they haven't been around for a few years now.
    Will your cheap yet tasty Pannetone disappear as well?!
