Monday, October 24, 2016

The Final Paper Has Been Started

I've read the research. Highlighted the interesting stuff. Made a few notes.

I've done about as much as I can do without actually writing the paper.

So last night I set fingers to keyboard. I created the title page (APA format, don't you know), formatted the headers, drafted an abstract, and typed the first two sentences of my "review of literature" regarding what attributes a good math teacher should have. My goal for tonight is two paragraphs.

The paper is due in less than a month.


  1. Page 1:


    Writer block! Get me a drink! :<)

    Good luck man...and as soon as this is in, get your ass out've earned it!

  2. Not including the title page, abstract, and references, the paper has to be 7-10 pages long. I completed a page tonight. I can keep this rate up; after all, it's double-spaced. I worry about keeping the length *down* to 10 pages, what with all the research I read! If I quoted one line of the conclusion from each article (so I can cite it!), that's most of the paper right there.

  3. I'd love to read either the draft (free proofing if wanted) or final.

  4. Be careful, Steve, or I just might take you up on that.

  5. I now have a sentence or two less than three full pages of text. The requirement is 7-10 pages, and I have 9 more studies to discuss. I've discussed only 3 so far.

    I always want to type too much, make my papers too long. *sigh*
