Saturday, October 08, 2016

Institutionalizing Gender Hatred

Femininity is toxic.  Such women are weak, whiny, and vain.  They are a drag on resources, and it's time we do something about it.

If that offended you, then perhaps you can understand the sickness behind this:
A group of Claremont College students hosted an event where they discussed why masculinity is triggering and “toxic.”

The event, “Masculinity + Mental Health,” was organized by a group of women called “Thrive,” who aim to provide a “safe space” for students to discuss mental health, Steven Glick of The Claremont Independent wrote. 

“Masculinity can be extremely toxic to our mental health, both to the people who are pressured to perform it and the people who are inevitably influenced by it,” the Facebook event page reads.
What the heck has happened to our universities?


  1. Not so fast D. It's not an even comparison. If gender bias and inequality weren't so glaringly institutionalized, you might have a point. But they are, and as an adult male, you should not be so aloof as to pretend that femiminism has no role. Perhaps if you had a daughter instead of a son, you might feel differently.

  2. The only gender bias I see that's institutionalized in schools is that against boys, which I wrote about on October 5th in a post called Boys Don't Matter.

    Maybe if you looked at the world as it is, rather than the dystopia that for some reason you *want* to believe exists, you might feel differently.

  3. Keep in mind, a lot of colleges now as "the diversity question" on their apps, which sets the tone for the incoming students before they even arrive, and lets them know exactly what will be acceptable and right-thinking from day one.

  4. Young women are doing significantly better than their male counterparts. They get paid more, they are more likely to graduate high school and college, and more likely to get advanced degrees.

    It isn't until women have children and decide that maybe they'd rather take time off, have a flexible work schedule, not work so much overtime, take a part time job, etc., in other words once they decide their kids are important to them, that they begin to fall behind men. Men traditionally have taken on hours and worked harder when kids come along, taking on the financial support position, while the mom takes on the care-giver role.

    Of course, by brother's family is the opposite: he is the stay-at-home dad, while his wife works: that is also more common than it used to be. Around 15% of stay-at-home parents are now dads.

  5. Auntie Em is right. There are more women in college than men.
    Boys are more likely to be labeled as learning disabled for normal kid behavior than girls.
    Boys are more likely to be suspended.
    Boys are more likely to be told they should be medicated.
    Boys are more likely to be held back.
    Schools have implemented collaborative learning even though males are hard wired to compete individually.
    Boys develop psychological reading tracking abilities almost six months later putting them at a disadvantage from the first day.
    Expectations that used to be reserved for first grade are now pushed down to kindergarten exacerbating the problem.
    Boys are more likely to indulge in risky behavior including drug use and gang activity.
    Boys are more likely to be physically bullied.
    Boys are more likely to succeed at suicide although more girls attempt it.
    I have sons and daughters. I have a grandson. I want him to grow up in a world where his ideas are just as valued as the girl sitting next to him. I don't want him silenced to massage the ego of a female student in college. Right now he's in first grade and in GT classes. I don't want him to be shoved aside for students of other genders who are not as capable.
    We need to return to merit based education.
