Wednesday, October 05, 2016

Clowns To The Left of Me, Jokers To The Right

Is anyone else tired of the hysteria over clowns lately?  Talk about a drummed up issue!  I even got a robo-call from my school district on the subject last night.

Never in my life have we had less substantive issues discussed, especially only a month before an election, than this one.  Seriously, clowns, and whether one presidential candidate called a beauty pageant contestant fat?  No immigration?  No public debt?  No threats from ISIS, Russia, or China?

It seems like everyone who should be serious is a clown.  The Republic is lost.


  1. The school power flickered off. After it resettled, one student "its the clowns."

  2. It's kind of weird. It's not actually illegal to dress up as a scary clown (although, given the way some folks are talking, it might be asking to get beat up). I'm sure it's random people who think it's funny, and the more attention it gets, the more it will happen. Our local cops have released a statement that they would like to focus on actual crimes, please.

  3. Wow, my BIL (who lives in your area, not mine) just said he won't be doing Halloween this year because of clowns. I figure it will die down by then.

  4. I think all teachers should dress like clowns at school on Halloween--or at least wear "honk" clown noses.

  5. Expect a bad review on rate my teacher... you know who I am...

  6. That you post that with your name shows my professionalism in that you don't fear repercussions :-)
