Thursday, September 08, 2016

Good Decision, Bad Decision

I laud them when they do something right, I'm going to criticize them when they do something stupid.  Who is "they"?  The University of Iowa:
The University of Iowa could become the first school in the state to add a bachelor’s program in social justice to its list of degrees, provided its Board of Regents approves the motion.

Currently, the school already offers a first-year seminar on social justice as well as a “Justice for All” living learning community where students can live and “learn about systemic problems in our society.”

University officials told The Iowa City Press-Citizen that both programs have been so well-received, with full-enrollment in the “Justice for All” learning community, that demand for an actual degree-program on the topic makes sense...

UPDATE: A spokesperson for the university has confirmed to Campus Reform that the Board of Regents voted to approve the social justice degree program at its meeting Thursday.
What a waste of taxpayer money.  Yet another "Aggrieved Victim Studies" degree.  I don't see how there's any so-called social justice in that.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous9:11 PM

    Any degree with the word "studies" in it is a worthless degree.
