Sunday, August 07, 2016

Yes Means Yes?

If no vocal or written consent has been given, who, exactly, is the "guilty" party?  (If you say it's the man, you're a sexist.)  How do these silly rules, which apply only to college students and no one else, work in reality?
Those laws and rules badly misunderstand how students actually approach sex, according to research by a self-proclaimed feminist scholar at San Francisco State University’s Center for Research and Education on Gender and Sexuality.

Prof. Jason Laker and his research partner, Santa Clara University’s Erica Boas, have spent the past four years interviewing students about how they initiate and agree to engage in sexual activity – and it’s nothing like affirmative consent requires, Inside Higher Ed reports.

Their first research project focused on heterosexual freshmen at a Bay Area university, and the most common answer to how those students agreed to have sex was “it just happened.”
Well, duh.  So which partner broke the law?


  1. Well, it's easy to tell:
    if he's a male, he broke the law... or that's what the radical left already thinks.

  2. What if "he" self-identifies as female? :-)

  3. Then we start checking "victim/privilege" boxes.
    Whoever has the higher privilege score is guilty.
    Whoever has the higher victim score is innocent.
    See? Even I can be a public skool adminidrone!
