Sunday, August 21, 2016

Pressure Building

The first full week of school starts tomorrow.  I can't use any lesson plan I've ever created--new standards, new curricula, new textbooks.  My 9th master's class starts tomorrow.  I'm on our "school improvement team", which will meet a full Friday every month to help prepare the school for our WASC visit in the spring (accreditation).  I'll be supervising detention on Monday afternoons.

I'm starting to feel overwhelmed.  This feeling occurs at the beginning of every school year but feels a little more intense now because I've added some new events (above) to my dance card.  Of course I'll get through it as I always do, but that recognition doesn't mean that the anxiety isn't there!


  1. That's a good feeling. It means you're still engaged, you still care, you're still developing your craft.

    Have a great year. And always remember: they need you.

  2. Have a great year. And always remember: they need you.

    And if you don't get them, I get them! :<)
