Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Common Sense in the Heartland

Dodging the proverbial bullet, Iowa's students won't have to deal with witch hunts and drumheads:
The University of Iowa has scrapped plans to create a Bias Assessment and Response Team after determining that such bodies often become what one administrator called “scolding bodies” that can create as many problems as they are intended to solve.

Iowa’s Chief Diversity Officer, Georgina Dodge, specifically cited the uproar over the University of Northern Colorado’s bias response team, which has been criticized for policing language and violating academic freedom. Details of the UNC bias team’s overreach was first reported by Heat Street in June.

Dodge told the Iowa City Press-Citizen that nationwide, many bias response teams resembled “scolding panels.”
What's sad is how refreshing it is to finally hear someone in higher education admit this.  And let's be honest, it's a rather tepid admission!

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