Friday, July 29, 2016

Good Advice Regarding Unexpected Expenses

This summer I've had some significant unexpected expenses:  car repairs, water heater replacement, garage door opener repair.  These repairs have totaled over $1000, and there are several hundred more on the way.

A friend of mine since high school has often shared with me some wisdom his mother shared with him regarding such expenditures:  be thankful you have enough money to pay for them, many people don't.

So while I'm not ecstatic about having to pay out so much money, I'm not despondent or worried, either.  I've had the money to cover these bills.  And I find that his mom's words, reflecting an "attitude of gratitude" rather than a whiny lament, are a much more helpful way to look at the world.


  1. David6:10 PM

    This is why I always tell my students to have an emergency fund. You never know when you might need an extra $500 for whatever.

  2. My son just got promoted in the army *and* he went over 2 years of service; both of those bring a raise. I told him that with his new-found riches he should put $100 in a "big expense" account (car repairs, vacations) and another $100 in a retirement account. The small remainder can go to taxes and a little extra pocket money.

  3. Yep, there you go living off the taxpayer's kindness. Think of all those hard-working people who can't afford the repairs whose tax dollars are going to help you pay for yours. Socialism will get us everytime. :-)

  4. You think I live off the taxpayers' "kindness"? Do you view *any* action by government to be "socialism"? What a strange world view!

  5. Anonymous5:36 PM

    Parents used to tell kids that they should always create a fund for those "unexpected" expenses, because those would occur - my parents told me and we told our kids. When I was growing up, that included thing like medical expenses for Doctor/hospital visits for thing like ear infections, strep throat, broken arm etc - because insurance was only for hospitalizations for major injuries/illness, like cancer, heart problems, major accidents, appendicitis, tonsillectomies etc.

  6. Of course not. Just mimicking the sentiment often found in your posts and reader comments.

  7. I think you're projecting a bit there, mmazenko.
