Monday, July 25, 2016

An OK Start, But More Fallout Is Needed

When you write false articles about gang rape, there should be a penalty to be paid:
Rollings Stone recently “terminated” its contract with Sabrina Rubin Erdely, the reporter who wrote the debunked article about the gang rape of a University of Virginia student.

Erdely’s status with Rolling Stone has been kept under wraps since UVA dean Nicole Eramo sued the magazine for defamation because of its reporter’s Nov. 2014 article “A Rape on Campus.” In previous disclosures Erdely appeared to still be employed by the magazine...

But after the article was published, it came to light that Coakley had lied about the gang rape and that Erdely failed to conduct basic journalistic due diligence to verify the claims.
There are still lawsuits a-brewin' over that article, and rightly so.

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