Monday, June 27, 2016

Turn Up The Heat

With a security gate, a pit bull, as well as other surprises, I enjoy sleeping with my front door and bedroom windows open.  The house gets aired out with nice cool nighttime air and I sleep like a baby.  My usual procedure is to close the house up by 9 or 10 am, when the house temp is in the low 70s, and wait for the a/c to come on when it hits 75.

This morning I was up at the god-forsaken hour of 7:48, and the house didn't seem cool.  It wasn't, at least it wasn't as cool as it usually is.  It was already 75 inside.

Looks like it's gonna be a hot one today.


  1. Here we celebrate when it's not over 80 in the morning this time of year.

  2. LeftCoastRef10:00 AM

    Sounds like the debate in SacTown will be heated today. Didn't you say something about this back in 2008 when this ridiculous bill was on the ballot?

  3. I have been against this fiasco from Day 1.
