Monday, April 25, 2016

The Teeter-totter

The last couple of days at school have been relatively easy--my classes have been reviewing for their last chapter tests, and I've just been answering questions on review assignments or clarifying Khan Academy videos.  As we have 2-hour block periods for the next two days, I have two days of nothing but giving tests.

In my master's class, though, things are revving up.  My two term papers have (finally) been peer reviewed/edited and now I have to see if I want to incorporate the suggested changes into them.  The final papers have to be completed and posted online before I leave for Las Vegas at the end of next week.

A couple weeks ago I won a contest and received a free copy of Barry Garelick's book, Math Education in the US: Still Crazy After All These Years.  I've been asked to write an Amazon review for it--perhaps I can read a little of it while my students are testing the next couple of days, as I certainly don't have much time to read it at home!

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