Saturday, April 23, 2016

I'm Reminded Of It Every Single Day When I Walk

5 years ago today, Saturday, April 23rd, 2011, was one of the defining days of my life. While skiing that day I caught an edge in the ice and fell. In a 1-in-a-million happening, I fell on the edge of my ski and sliced 90% of my kneecap tendon.

Surgery, crutches/walker/wheelchair/cane, months of initial healing followed by months of rehab...I set a goal of running one mile on the one year anniversary, if for no other reason than to have a goal. I made that run, but it was obvious that there was much more healing to be done.

I've been skiing a few times since the injury but it wasn't safe. My leg wasn't healed enough or strong enough to ski, so it's been a couple years since I hit the slopes. I had planned to ski today, on that same mountain, but weather conditions this past week have not made anywhere near ideal skiing conditions.

So today I remember that significant event in my life, and I'm thankful that I've healed as well as I have. My knee is not as good as God made it but I can walk on it quite well, something I doubted I'd be able to do again back in those dark early days of recovery.

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