Tuesday, April 12, 2016


A couple weeks ago I wrote about discipline in schools, and this post is a follow-up.  Buckle up:
Under pressure from Obama educrats, public school districts are no longer suspending even violent students; but now, under pressure from Black Lives Matter, they are suspending teachers who complain about not suspending bad kids.

In St. Paul, Minn., a high school teacher was put on administrative leave last month after Black Lives Matter threatened to shut down the school because the teacher complained about lenient discipline policies that have led to a string of assaults on fellow teachers.

Last month, two students at Como Park Senior High School punched and body slammed a business teacher unconscious, opening a head wound that required staples. And earlier in the year, another student choked a science teacher into a partial coma that left him hospitalized for several days.

In both cases, the teachers were white and the students black.

Theo Olson, a teacher at the school complained on Facebook about new district policies that fail to punish kids for fighting and drug-dealing. Like dozens of cities across the country — including New York — St. Paul adopted the policies in compliance with new discipline guidelines issued by the Obama administration. The Education Department has threatened school districts with lawsuits and funding cuts wherever if finds racial “disparities” in suspensions and expulsions, arguing such disparities have created a “school-to-prison pipeline” for African-Americans children. The agency claims such disparities are the product of racism in schools.
When President Bush talked about the "soft bigotry of low expectations", this isn't quite what he had in mind, but it's certainly an extension.

You want to talk about the so-called school-to-prison pipeline?  Letting kids think they can get away with such behaviors is almost a surefire way of getting them sent to prison as adults.

Go read the whole article to learn about teachers who are being punished for being victims of student threats and violence.


  1. Darren:
    You should take a look at this progressive model of teaching:

  2. Consider the number of talented athletes who have been insulated from their own actions since middle school. Look at the number of pro athletes who have issues with everything from substance abuse to domestic abuse. They are products of a system that never held them accountable for their actions, their academic process or their own social behavior. As social media become even more invasive, these actions are becoming part of public knowledge. What's the saying? "As bent the twig, so grows the tree."

  3. When you hear the rhetoric from educrats whining about more minority children being placed in situations like in school suspension or alternative school settings, you seldom hear about the progressively obnoxious actions those students took to land there. Except for fighting or drugs, such alternatives are reserved for chronically defiant, aggressive and violent students. Right now, with this type of mentality in place. a teacher holds the liability for any violence that occurs in the classroom. If some sociopathic teen lashes out and hurts another student, the parents will go after the teacher and the school first. Teachers are left holding the bag. This same situation is going to play out as the push is occurring to place severely disabled students into general education settings. I experienced a situation where a student taller and bigger than me threw a major tantrum worthy of a three year old because I dare to ask him, politely incidentally, to be quiet. As a result he grabbed other students' things and threw them across the room. The room had to be cleared and the assigned task force came to settle him down. What if that thrown object had been scissors, a craft knife, a stapler? But until another student is hurt and their parents complain, such violent students are allowed to stay in class to the detriment of others and limiting the educational opportunities for others.
