Tuesday, March 22, 2016

How I'm Spending Spring Break

We've had some rain, but the sky is clear today and the weather reports look clear into next week.  Perhaps I'll take a day trip to Reno or something :)

Until then, I've been working at home.  I usually don't bring work home with me to grade but needed to this week.  So far I've finished my two classes' worth of pre-calculus quizzes, and I'm working my way through my statistics projects at a rate of 5 per day (that takes me about an hour).

I've also committed to adding one paragraph each day to each of the papers I'm writing in my History of Educational Thought class.  That should allow me to have them finished well in advance of the April 10 due date for rough drafts.

I sure know how to have fun, don't I?!

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