Sunday, January 24, 2016

I'm Thankful To Have Received The Broad, Liberal Arts Education I Did At West Point

While I might not have enjoyed philosophy class, or sociology, or classical literature as much as I enjoyed Physics Of Modern Weapons Systems or Fluid Dynamics, I always recognized the value of taking those "words" classes:
He presented early results from a research study (that eventually he hopes to turn into a book) about the long-term impact of having attended a liberal arts college or experienced qualities associated with liberal arts education. The results back up the claims that liberal arts advocates make for their institutions -- claims that Detweiler said he feared didn't always have data behind them.

The study's initial results suggest that one can prove that a liberal arts-style education can be associated with greater odds, compared to others with bachelor's degrees, on such qualities as being a leader, being seen as ethical, appreciating arts and culture and leading a fulfilling and happy life...

Detweiler acknowledged the current cultural "obsession" with salaries as a measure of the value of a college education. And he said it was true business and engineering majors earned more, on average, than those with liberal arts majors. But he also noted that the top factor associated with a six-figure salary was not college major but having taken a large share of classes outside one's major.


  1. Thanks very much for sharing your perspective. We are always trying spread the word that the liberal arts are not politically liberal, at least in their origin.

    Have you seen this Atlantic piece? It might interest you:

  2. "But he also noted that the top factor associated with a six-figure salary was not college major but having taken a large share of classes outside one's major."
    I say there is correlation there, but not causation.
    It's not taking those classes that gives you a 6 figure salary, but rather that the 6-figure kind of person has a culture which understands why those things are important, the liberty/ability/money to take these kinds of classes, and then has the academic ability to pass them.
