Tuesday, December 15, 2015

West Point To Get Its First Woman Commandant

There are 3 generals at West Point:  the Superintendent, a 3-star general in charge of the entire Academy and post; the Dean, a 1-star general in charge of the academic development of cadets; and the Commandant (pronounced as Col. Klink's title was, and that's kah-men-dahnt), a 1-star general in charge of the military development of cadets.  West Point is about to get its first woman Commandant--and she's younger than I am:
The deputy commanding general of the 10th Mountain Division, Brig. Gen. Diana M. Holland, will become the first female commandant of the U.S. Military Academy at West Point.

The placement was announced Tuesday...

Gen. Holland has served in a wide range of engineering roles following her graduation from the academy in 1990.

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