Monday, December 14, 2015

Star Trek Beyond

If this trailer is any indication, it will be another in the "good movie, bad Star Trek" genre.


  1. That's a movie trailer? It looked (and sounded) like a cheesy rock trailer to me. That's not Star Trek, that's Star Franchise Trek!

  2. The disease of high end special effects and no storytelling goes along its way. First Hollywood, with thousands of books to give it inspiration for new movies, chooses to remakes old movies and movies based on TV shows. And they don't bother with post, script writing, character development, etc. They just show two hours of CGI with occasional speaking by the actors. Star Trek...let's just rewrite Wrath of Khan....Star Wars...well you get the picture.

    Hoping to go see Star Wars tonight, and i"m trying to keep an open mind, but.....
