Friday, December 11, 2015

Somehow It All Came Together

Usually I have tests graded the day after students take them.  I've had plenty of tests, projects, quizzes, and even an extra credit "pop quiz" to grade, so the papers started stacking up.  I was a day behind schedule and feeling overwhelmed.  Somehow, though, by the end of the work day today I had them all graded, input into our grading program, and even handed back to students.  Whew!  No Sword of Damocles hanging over my head this weekend.

1 comment:

  1. Sometimes life has a way of interfering. If you ever look at my blog you'll know that a nodule finally detected by my GP moved into surgery and a really nasty tumor being extracted. So now my AP Art History class is four days behind and the schedule is tight. I'm trying to figure out a way to get them back on track by Thursday, which is the last time I will see them until January. I probably shouldn't be back at work yet, but I figure if I sit most of the time, I will survive. In the meantime the kids and the administration will have to simply make do.
