Sunday, December 27, 2015

Points Break

Yesterday I was at Walmart and thought it couldn't hurt to check out the $7.88 blu-ray bin.  In it I found the 1991 Keanu Reeves/Patrick Swayze movie Point Break.  Knowing that a remake was just released, I bought it.  A friend and I watched it and then headed to the theater to see the new one.

The original was a good action movie, but the action mostly involved surfing (and one scene of parachuting).  Well, if some action was good, more must be better, right?  The new movie gave us not only surfing but dirt biking, freehand cliff climbing, flying squirrel suits, and parachuting.  It gave us exotic locales, sweeping vistas, ADD-inducing action, and a less believable story.  Still, I have to admit it was fun to watch.

The original certainly had a more believable story.  Its biggest flaw, though, was the wooden acting of Keanu Reeves, who at the time had already done Bill and Ted but had not yet starred in Speed.  Reeves' acting was almost Hayden Christensen-worthy, and I don't say that lightly.

I probably enjoyed each of these movies more than I enjoyed Star Wars VII.


  1. I love the original - saw it in theaters when it came out in '91. "Utah! Get me two."

    Not really interested in the re-make, and I've read the action is cool, but the story is weak.

    Saw Star Wars with my boy yesterday. Enjoyed the nostalgic part because, as many have noted, it was the exact same movie released in 1977.

  2. really didn't like star wars that much? Was it the rehashed story? Going into it I figured we would see sand planet, someone important die, and an super weapon get destroyed in an improbable way. Am I talking about episode 1, 4 or 7?

    I liked it. Kylo Ren felt like he was a better anikan than anikan in the prequels. I am happy and can't wait for episode 8.

    I say make a post on your thoughts.

  3. There are still enough people who haven't seen it that I don't want to post on it just yet.
