Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Best Of... My 1st 10,000 Posts

I started this blog in January of 2005, and this post marks my 10,000th post.  In light of that rather significant milestone I present here a retrospective, a list of what I consider some of my best posts over the last almost-11 years.

Freedom Is A Little Piece of Broken Concrete
Environmentalism and the Skeptical Mind, Part 1
Environmentalism and the Skeptical Mind, Part 2
Environmentalism and the Skeptical Mind, Part 3
Math For Social Justice, Part 1
Math For Social Justice, Part 2
Graphing Calculators--and Tanks!
The Price of Gas 
A Waste of Money: AP Courses for the Unprepared 
My Evening With Diane Ravitch 
Why I'm Against the New DMV Driver Test 
Teaching: Craft, Trade, or Profession?

I consider Freedom Is A Little Piece of Broken Concrete to be my best post ever.

Don't count on my lasting another 10,000 posts!


  1. I remember when you got that piece of concrete. And how you got it.

    Congrats on the 10,000 post!

  2. It was a very long time ago. 25 years and change....

  3. Congrats on 10,000 posts. I hope you keep going for years. I love the posts and love the school talk, especially common core. Your posts sound like they were written by someone sitting in our meetings.

  4. socalmike1:56 PM

    Congrats on the 10,000 posts, Darren! Love the blog, love your outlook on things. As a teacher myself, I totally appreciate you and what you say about education. Well done, mate!

  5. Anonymous3:33 PM

    I'm proud Mr. Miller!
