Saturday, August 15, 2015

What's The Problem In This Story?

Kids are being kept from going to college by clueless education bureaucrats:
A last-minute decision by California education leaders cost scores of students around the state — including at least a dozen in San Francisco — a final chance to graduate from high school and go to a four-year college this fall.

The students haven’t passed a test that they can’t take anymore.

They were accepted to four-year colleges earlier this year, but first needed to pass the California High School Exit Exam to get a diploma. The problem? The state no longer offers the Exit Exam.
What's the real problem in this story?  The real problem is that the exit exam in California is given to sophomores, the majority of which pass it the first time.  You can see what's covered on the test, and download practice questions, here.

How is it that a student who hasn't passed that most basic test can get accepted into a university?  That is the real problem in this story.


  1. Shhhhhh!

    We don't talk about things like that!

  2. I was hoping tat's where you were going with this. Yeah… being able to get in to a bivversity without having passed that test is proof positive of HS grade inflation, and falling standards ...

  3. It's really appalling that most major universities have remedial programs that cover high school level basics. Why are we allowing these students into colleges and what is more, how many are attending on grants and scholarships denied to other students who were more successful in school just because of their race, family income, history?

  4. Ellen … it might be academically appalling, but at least that greater number of admissions isn't helping to drive up tuition for the qualified …. ;)

  5. The qualified may get scholarships, but maybe not. My daughter had a 3.8 GPA and got almost nothing. Yet the "first time in family" student can get a full ride scholarship with a 2.8 average from a poor school. While it's all nice, is it really helping someone achieve an education or is just throwing money at a cause for publicity?
